I've been questioned by many people about my future plans of leaving Brasil and living in the U.S. I know that I live in an amazing country, culturally rich and with awesome geographical features and open-hearted people. But I guess I just don't fit in here.
Our political history is flooded by corruption. There is no considerably serious option here. Seriously. I've seen a president who is a sociologist saying that people who are unable to do anything else become teachers, another one that quit school after the fourth grade, and now a president that is a former terrorist and bank robber in power.
The second-most-voted congressman in the history of Brazil is a former clown (literally!) who couldn't read or write until right before being voted into office. His campaign motto was "Do you know what a congressman does? Neither do I! Vote for me and I'll tell you!"... SERIOUSLY?!
Our school system is ridiculous. The government is creating new ways of making easier to get into the universities, because kids are not getting what they should from schools. At the same time, the investment of money for infrastructure or professors is not enough. Students protest against the price for public transportation, but they just complain about the educational situation and wait with their arms crossed for something to happen.
Political corruption affects not only the institutions, but also creates deep social problems. There are many conflicts and wars between police and drug dealers. This is a nation where millions die because of alcohol and tobacco, and it seems normal and socially accepted. On the other hand, something like marijuana, instead of being decriminalized and taxed in order to generate money for the government to invest in education or health, is seen as a terrible gateway drug and politicians make lots of money from it, because drug dealers illegally invest in their campaigns. For the dealers, it's not in their interest to decriminalize it, since their illegal profit is much bigger than if it were legal.
At the same time, it's possible to see someone smoking crack on every corner. Sometimes a group of people 'rescue' them from the streets and take them into rehab programs, which are not an obligation for them to stay in! So they just go back on the streets to steal and smoke more crack, creating a bigger problem every day.
Yes, I'm complaining about many things in this post. No, I don't have solutions for these problems. The only way out I can see is, unfortunately, giving up.
If you live in another state in Brasil or in any other country, please give me your opinion about what you feel when it comes to the political and social problems you see, but can't do anything about it!
i do not have any solution from these problems, but i know one thing: all place have same or bigger problems like these... i understand your curious and your necessity to go out to see the world... but don't expect to see the things soo much different...
ReplyDeletelove you.
Well, I think there is a popular phrase which says: "The neighbor's grass always seems greener than ours," Particularly speaking, I think the solution is not to leave the country (in my opinion), but trying to change that here my humble suggestion and my greatest weapon is the vote! Yes the vote, why not? After all, unfortunately this scenario we see corrupt and unscrupulous and watched every day in newspapers, are a consequence of our choices on the ballot! Let's boycott the corruption, let's not corrupt! Corruption begins when you stick a place in line at the bank, when you pay a buck to the guy in uniform do not fine in traffic, when we ask someone "give that Brazilian way", that costs us very little way expensive! It may be that you and I together, we can not change this country, but if we can unite with thousands of people also believe that thinking like this, we can change at least one part. And again, as Gandhi said "Be the difference you want to see in the world."
ReplyDeleteKiss and Good Night!
Um texto fabuloso, que compartilho com vc, e vc talvez até já tenha lido, mas mesmo assim deixo aqui.
ReplyDeleteMeu coração está aos pulos! Quantas vezes minha esperança será posta a prova? Por quantas provas terá ela que passar?
Tudo isso que está aí no ar: malas, cuecas que voam entupidas de dinheiro. Do meu dinheiro, do nosso dinheiro que reservamos duramente pra educar os meninos mais pobres que nós, pra cuidar gratuitamente da saúde deles e dos seus pais. Esse dinheiro viaja na bagagem da impunidade e eu não posso mais. Quantas vezes, meu amigo, meu rapaz, minha confiança vai ser posta a prova? Quantas vezes minha esperança vai esperar no cais? É certo que tempos difíceis existem pra aperfeiçoar o aprendiz, mas não é certo que a mentira dos maus brasileiros venha quebrar no nosso nariz. Meu coração tá no escuro. A luz é simples, regada ao conselho simples de meu pai, minha mãe, minha avó e todos os justos que os precederam. 'Não roubarás!', 'Devolva o lápis do coleguinha', 'Esse apontador não é seu, minha filha'. Ao invés disso, tanta coisa nojenta e torpe tenho tido que escutar! Até habeas corpus preventiva, coisa da qual nunca tinha visto falar, sobre o qual minha pobre lógica ainda insiste: esse é o tipo de benefício que só ao culpado interessará! Pois bem, se mexeram comigo, com a velha e fiel fé do meu povo sofrido, então agora eu vou sacanear! Mais honesta ainda eu vou ficar! Só de sacanagem!
Dirão: 'Deixe de ser boba! Desde Cabral que aqui todo mundo rouba!
E eu vou dizer: 'Não importa! Será esse o meu carnaval! Vou confiar mais e outra vez. Eu, meu irmão, meu filho e meus amigos.'
Vamo pagar limpo a quem a gente deve e receber limpo do nosso freguês. Com o tempo, a gente consegue ser livre, ético e o escambal.
Dirão: 'É inútil! Todo mundo aqui é corrupto desde o primeiro homem que veio de Portugal!'
E eu direi: 'Não admito! Minha esperança é imortal, ouviram? Imortal!'
Sei que não dá pra mudar o começo, mas, se a gente quizer, vai dar pra mudar o final!
Elisa Lucinda
Monalisa, obrigada por também expor o que sente sobre a situação que vivemos! Este é um país tã lindo, tão recheado de tantas culturas diferentes e recursos naturais! É lamentável que pessoas como eu queiram educar seus filhos em outros países, sinceramente. Mas a verdade é que perdi a fé no nosso povo, que vende seu voto por melhorias a curto prazo mas passageiras, ao invés de votar de forma consciente e cobrar mudanças e melhorias concretas. O brasileiro, com seu jeitinho, é um povo corrupto por natureza. Eu ja quis mudar o mundo, mas o mundo é que tem me mudado, me amargado e me transformando aos poucos em uma pessoa sem esperanças... Acho que quando nosso povo finalmente aprender a se unir de forma inteligente, poderá ser tarde demais. =\