
The Black Hearts Derby Girls!

Hey, everyone!
Yesterday I went to a Roller Derby practice for the first time in my life and... I'm already part of the team!!! :D

I have no experience in skating, but I tried it and the girls told me they would teach me everything I need to start  playing! I felt like I'm part of the group immediately and I'm obsessed with the idea! I think I can only think and talk about roller derby for a while now... LOL!
I'm going to buy the skates and all the equipment, but while I don't have anything I'm going to watch every single practice and try to understand and learn everything I can about it! I always hated exercising and playing sports, but this was love at first sight!

Here are some pictures of the girls practicing:

Is it awesome or what?!!
What about you... do you practice any sports? Have you discovered something amazing lately?
Thanks for reading!


  1. That's great! It looks like so much fun!
    I used to be an ice skater! :) But I don't do much sport these days! I hope you're having a nice day xx

    1. I have no abilities on a skate, but I'm so excited!!!!!!! (*_*)

  2. Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you! I went to my first derby game a few weeks ago for the college times and it looks like a lot of fun! Here's a link to the pics: http://www.ecollegetimes.com/photo-video/6-23-rollerderby-vmc-1.2746182

    1. I loved the pictures!!! Do you think they would have practice while I'm there so I could go and watch? :D
